Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here We Go!

Well this is my first official "blog" for my family. I do have a current blog that goes along with my website and business. This one will be strictly for my family. Check here often to hear my ramblings and whatnot. I guess it will evolve as I get used to this process. It's a cold day here today in Mississippi. Cold wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour and a temp of 45 degrees. A day like today calls for Taco Soup in the crock-pot and p.j.s. That is two things to know about me. I LOVE to cook and I love P.J.'s My crock pot recipe is so simple:

Taco Soup
Can of Whole Kernal Corn
Can of of Black Beans
2 Cans of Diced Tomatoes
Taco Seasoning
A Few Cubes of Beef Boullion
1 Pound Ground Beef

Dump them all in the crock pot on low around lunch. Stir a few times during the day. Scoop it out, put in a bowl, top with cheese and scoop out with tortilla chips. Easy Peasy!!!


Jodi, Steven, Kanon & Mari Blake said...

hey i need to call you soon for kanon's 2 year old pics. he will be 2 march 20. i can't believe it!! and yes i will definately bring mari blake to you as soon as she gets here. early to mid july.

Mel Armey said...

Just happened upon your blog. The taco soup sounds good. Can wait to try it!


One Serving HIM said...

Yummy! The recipe sounds so good right now especially because of the cold weather.