Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here We Go!

Well this is my first official "blog" for my family. I do have a current blog that goes along with my website and business. This one will be strictly for my family. Check here often to hear my ramblings and whatnot. I guess it will evolve as I get used to this process. It's a cold day here today in Mississippi. Cold wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour and a temp of 45 degrees. A day like today calls for Taco Soup in the crock-pot and p.j.s. That is two things to know about me. I LOVE to cook and I love P.J.'s My crock pot recipe is so simple:

Taco Soup
Can of Whole Kernal Corn
Can of of Black Beans
2 Cans of Diced Tomatoes
Taco Seasoning
A Few Cubes of Beef Boullion
1 Pound Ground Beef

Dump them all in the crock pot on low around lunch. Stir a few times during the day. Scoop it out, put in a bowl, top with cheese and scoop out with tortilla chips. Easy Peasy!!!