Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sorry So Long

I'm sorry. We've just had such a busy summer. Busy relaxing that is. The Tucker's next door to us built a pool this summer and we have become the biggest pool bums. School started 2 weeks ago and we've transferred the girls to Northshore Elementary. They are really enjoying it. I'm attaching a photo of them on their first day.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Here's some more pics from our trip. I finally got them all edited this morning.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Some More Pics.....


We are having so much fun. We've discovered a great nighttime activity. "Crabbin'" The girls won't go into the water or even Wayne for that matter, so it's been up to me to meet our families quota of crabs. Austin and I have had fun. I am terrified of the ocean and like an idiot I've been out there in the dark looking for crabs. I guess it's the competition that gets e going. We did have a contest last night with a cash prize. Austin Tucker won! The Usey's, Wade and Jackie, are just sticking to the crabs that you eat. Joes Crab Shack has been our favorite place to eat.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Destin Day 2

We are having so much fun. We are staying at the Pelican Beach Resort and it is really nice. They have craft projects everyday at the pool for the kids. The girls got to paint Sand Dollars yesterday. We've just been hanging at the pool and the beach so far. It's so relaxing. We ate at Fudpuckers last night with everyone. The girls got to touch a live alligator. They love Fudpuckers. The weather is beautiful! They did have to shut down the beach once on Sunday because a shark was cruising through. We stayed at the pool that day. Well time to hit the beach...Amy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Headed to Destin !!!!!

We are leaving for Destin on Saturday. I can't wait to share all my pics with you. We are going with our neighbors and friends the Tucker and Usey families. I am so needing some R&R. I'll see you when I get back....Amy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sorry it's been so long between posts. Here are a few shots of my baby, Paige graduating Kindergarten. I can't believe she's this old. She did a great job saying her part during graduation. We practiced her Bible Verse 10,000 times. She did so good. After graduation we drove over to Smokehouse BBQ. I just had to take a photo of Gracie eating ribs. She really gets into it.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baypointe Mudbowl 2008

We live in the best neighborhood ever! The whole street is full of kids and my kids always have someone to play with. After the severe storms that ran through our area yesterday, the kids decided to play a little ball. I just couldn't resist getting out my camera. They had a blast. Jake, my next door neighbor, told his mom after his bath that "this was the second best day of his life." We're still wondering what the first was.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Amy Johnson Photography News

This is a new promo that I'm doing for my business. You can check out my business website: for more information.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Wings Over Meridian

Yesterday we drove over to Meridian to the Wings Over Meridian Show. We had a great day. It was kind of cloudy so the sun wasn't too much on us. The drive was great. The girls watched "Enchanted" and I got to catch up on my reading. The worst part was the traffic. We sat outside the Navy base for 1 1/2 hours and then had to walk about 2 mile to the front gate. The girl's were troopers. We got there just in time for the Blue Angels (which was the reason why we went in the first place.) They were awesome as usual. Here are some pics from the day....

Saturday, March 15, 2008


As many of you know, I had LASIK eye surgery yesterday! It was not the most comfortable procedure but less that 24 hours afterward, I can pretty much see perfectly. My vision is still a bit smoky but that should clear up soon. I'm posting some pictures of what I would love to do to my glasses that I've had to wear for the last 2 weeks. I would love nothing better to destroy them but I am donating them to the Lions Club International. For those who don't know anything about them, they collect old, used glasses and take them to other countries to give to the visually impaired. It's a wonderful program. I can't beleive that I've either worn glasses or contacts for 22 years! This will be a whole new world for me.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tried a new recipe tonight! I thought it was fabulous! The kids loved it. Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to try new recipes. I also am a cookbook and magazine addict. I tear out recipes that I want to try, cut them up and paste into a binder labeled into food groups. Anytime I want to try something new, I have my cookbook for reference. I'll begin posting my faves. I do try to do something new at least once a week. I did make a fabulous taco recipe last week. I'll try to post it tomorrow. Have a great night!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well it's now 44 degrees and falling! Mississippi weather just baffles me. Anyway, here I am in my p.j.'s waiting for my hubby to come in so we can go out to dinner. I had planned to try a new taco recipe but he's craving Fannin Mart and who am I to turn that down? Anyway, my new camera came in today. It's sooo cute! Here are a few test pics. The last one is for my parents. Gracie had to write about Grandparents at school and she wrote, "My grandparents are special because they take me to get ice cremi and they love." Isn't that sweet? I loved how she spelled Sonic (Sonick). That's always been a tradition with them.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What A Beautiful Weekend!

Well Spring has arrived in Mississippi (Until tomorrow- Spring severe storms and a high of 48???). But anyway, this weekend we are in the 70's. We spent all day outside yesterday and will do the same after church this morning. Here are a few pics I took of my girls (Gracie, Paige, and Gigi) yesterday. I've ordered a cutest little pink Nikon Coolpix so I can begin taking more family shots out and about. My only camera is my studio camera and it's so heavy and VALUABLE! I don't like to carry it everywhere. This one I can throw in my purse and take with me everywhere. I'll take some more shots today and post tonight.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Here We Go!

Well this is my first official "blog" for my family. I do have a current blog that goes along with my website and business. This one will be strictly for my family. Check here often to hear my ramblings and whatnot. I guess it will evolve as I get used to this process. It's a cold day here today in Mississippi. Cold wind gusts up to 40 miles an hour and a temp of 45 degrees. A day like today calls for Taco Soup in the crock-pot and p.j.s. That is two things to know about me. I LOVE to cook and I love P.J.'s My crock pot recipe is so simple:

Taco Soup
Can of Whole Kernal Corn
Can of of Black Beans
2 Cans of Diced Tomatoes
Taco Seasoning
A Few Cubes of Beef Boullion
1 Pound Ground Beef

Dump them all in the crock pot on low around lunch. Stir a few times during the day. Scoop it out, put in a bowl, top with cheese and scoop out with tortilla chips. Easy Peasy!!!