Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sorry So Long

I'm sorry. We've just had such a busy summer. Busy relaxing that is. The Tucker's next door to us built a pool this summer and we have become the biggest pool bums. School started 2 weeks ago and we've transferred the girls to Northshore Elementary. They are really enjoying it. I'm attaching a photo of them on their first day.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Here's some more pics from our trip. I finally got them all edited this morning.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Some More Pics.....


We are having so much fun. We've discovered a great nighttime activity. "Crabbin'" The girls won't go into the water or even Wayne for that matter, so it's been up to me to meet our families quota of crabs. Austin and I have had fun. I am terrified of the ocean and like an idiot I've been out there in the dark looking for crabs. I guess it's the competition that gets e going. We did have a contest last night with a cash prize. Austin Tucker won! The Usey's, Wade and Jackie, are just sticking to the crabs that you eat. Joes Crab Shack has been our favorite place to eat.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Destin Day 2

We are having so much fun. We are staying at the Pelican Beach Resort and it is really nice. They have craft projects everyday at the pool for the kids. The girls got to paint Sand Dollars yesterday. We've just been hanging at the pool and the beach so far. It's so relaxing. We ate at Fudpuckers last night with everyone. The girls got to touch a live alligator. They love Fudpuckers. The weather is beautiful! They did have to shut down the beach once on Sunday because a shark was cruising through. We stayed at the pool that day. Well time to hit the beach...Amy

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Headed to Destin !!!!!

We are leaving for Destin on Saturday. I can't wait to share all my pics with you. We are going with our neighbors and friends the Tucker and Usey families. I am so needing some R&R. I'll see you when I get back....Amy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sorry it's been so long between posts. Here are a few shots of my baby, Paige graduating Kindergarten. I can't believe she's this old. She did a great job saying her part during graduation. We practiced her Bible Verse 10,000 times. She did so good. After graduation we drove over to Smokehouse BBQ. I just had to take a photo of Gracie eating ribs. She really gets into it.